Today was the long awaited day we entered a US court room to complete Jadyn's re-adoption. We haven't been in a big hurry to do this as we were pretty burnt out on paperwork since coming home from China.
it was early morning and the sun was rising, not a good time for a picture!
The process today was needed to get Jadyn issued a US birth Certificate, it will show her as being born in Jiangsu China, but show Ames & I as her parents. She will need this once she enters school.
We are pretty happy as we represented ourselves in court, saving close to a thousand dollars in attorney fee's. On that note, if you are needing to re-adopted in the US, let me know. It's pretty easy once you have the correct forms.
We had a female Judge and she was happy to interact with Jadyn, of course Jadyn loved it and even raised her right hand while we were being sworn in! 
The Judge gave Jadyn a teddy bear at the end of the process.
The Judge gave Jadyn a teddy bear at the end of the process.
It was fast and painless, we are happy to have it done. We now await her birth certificate to come in the mail.
Ames and I are leaving for Maui tomorrow to celebrate our anniversary, that's what were calling this trip anyway. Thank you Auntie Kim & cousin for taking care of our kids!
Ames and I are leaving for Maui tomorrow to celebrate our anniversary, that's what were calling this trip anyway. Thank you Auntie Kim & cousin for taking care of our kids!
Tomorrow also marks the one year anniversary of Jadyn's second and final heart surgery! It's crazy how fast times flies!
July 16, 2010
Although Jadyn became a United States citizen almost 2 years ago, she will now have a birth certificate to prove it.
It's crazy how this process works as she already has a US passport and Social security number.