November 12, 2010

Open Wide!

Jadyn had her first dental check-up yesterday. She is one of the bravest kids I have ever met, you would think with all she has been through medically the last 15 months she would be terrified.

She's not, she wants to know what is going to happen and I have to stay close, but she was happy to let the Dentist count her teeth.
I'm sure this Hippo with the enormous chompers helped calm her down.

I'm happy to report no dental worries at all!
Once she is 6 months post surgery we can think about a cleaning appointment for those pearly whites.



It's so inspiring that Jadyn is so brave. I'm hoping my kids are like her. We will be visiting the Jackson TN dentist tomorrow for our twins' first dental check-up. We already trained them about visiting the dentist in our new place here in Jackson, TN. Dentists are dependable here, so I'm sure my kids will be cooperative in their first dental visit.

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