What's the difference between Santa and the Easter Bunny?
I'm not sure, they both look a little creepy to me. I do know that, Jadyn prefers the Bunny!
She was terrified of Santa just 3 months ago. But absolutely loves the Easter Bunny.
We saw him at the mall last week, I didn't stop because of how she reacted to Santa. Well, she hasn't stopped talking about him since.
So we went to see the Bunny today. She fell in love rubbing his furry arms, gazing into his big cloth eyes, checking out his giant feet that would wiggle when she looked at them. It was really cute.
I couldn't talk Jeron into sitting next to Jadyn, evenbribing promising him a big, soft mall pretzel wouldn't work. I guess when your 8 your too big to sit next to a 6' Bunny. One might be seen by a school friend. After spending our allotted time visiting, we went and enjoyed a pretzel.
I couldn't talk Jeron into sitting next to Jadyn, even
Yes, I did a little spring makeover on my blog yesterday. I'm not sure I like it yet.................