August 05, 2010

One year home photo!

Jadyn had a follow up appointment yesterday with her cardiologist. He told me "I couldn't be more pleased, she looks wonderful".

He stopped one of her meds and cut back another one to half the dose. She was on 2 types of lasix, a medication that prevents fluid retention around her heart. It's necessary after heart surgery. Jadyn hasn't been out of breath once since her surgery, even when she runs. Her oxygen saturation's are 97-98, just where every other child's are.
She does not have to go back to the doctor for 3 months!



Happy 1 year home sweet Jadyn. She looks incredible Sue and she has so much color to her now. I remember how she used to have a little blue coloring when her heart was not getting the oxygen it needed. I am so glad to hear that she is doing so well and your beautiful image is perfect.


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