August 11, 2010

Random smiles

She tries so hard to give me that sweet smile (when she feels like it, I should add) I took these outside today, and while she was very willing to smile, they are pretty fake looking
But beautiful none the less!!

Doesn't she look like a little school girl?

this one is a true smile!

and so is this one, as she sang and clapped a song

The little white chair she is sitting in was my Grandmothers, Jadyn loves it.

Jeron received his third stripe on his gold belt today in his Tae Kwondo class, Jadyn and I were very excited for him. She has learned several of the moves from watching his class.
She is not one bit shy to perform them in the lobby for all to see. The self confidence this little girl has makes me so proud to be her Mommy! Not to mention how cute she looks when the black belt students are taking her picture with their cell phones as she doing her routine. I have to remind myself, 12 months ago she was in a orphanage. One would never know.


Carey and Norman

I could just see Jadyn doing the Tai Kwon Do. I bet it is precious and adorably cute!

That dress is so cute! Jadyn is always dressed so sweet and I just love the outfits you choose! You have great taste!!


Hey Sue,

Sorry I have been MIA lately. How was Hawaii? Hope you guys had a blast. LOVE the last pic of Jadyn, it's my fave. Congrats to Jeron on earning his gold belt, you must be so proud of him. I have been missing my camera lately. just been so busy with other things this Summer. Talk to you soon hun!

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